The Menopause PT
No Limits .. Just Results
Let's THRIVE in Menopause
I don't know about you but I want to live my healthiest, happiest and most fulfilled life at this stage of my existence. We all experience the challenges life brings, we all have to navigate these challenges and no matter what, life goes on regardless, time passes and we don't ever get it back. I believe we have the power to create our best lives through these choices, they have a direct impact on how we show up. When we focus on controlling the things we can control and follow the step-by-step holistic approach, we experience transformation in more than one area of life. When we concentrate on taking care of the 4 fundamentals the healthy, happy midlife we dream of begins here.

Together we take our step-by-step Holistic Approach

Meet Colette Pienaar, also known as The Menopause PT. I work with women who are serious about making changes to the way they show up for themselves and others. I have learned that putting the oxygen mask on yourself first is the key to navigating this time of life.
Walking the path alone can be disconcerting, and there is information out there that is confusing and at times contradictory. I can't promise I have all the answers, what I do know is how it feels to hit absolute rock bottom and how challenging the journey is when you feel totally alone.
Every woman on the planet will face menopause at some stage of her life, whether that is a surgically induced or natural menopause, finding out more about the journey others have faced definitely helps to demystify things.
Menopause is not a condition it is part of life and I believe an ideal opportunity to reassess what is really important.
I created The Goddess Academy specifically to offer a safe place for women to figure out what they need to do to find balance and create a happier more grounded and connected GODDESS no matter their time of life. I believe that looking after the machine that supports us, and figuring out what needs to be done to take control of the little things make all the difference. Once we get the basics right everything else is up-levelled as a result.
We are in charge of our mindset so the choice is yours .. survive or thrive!!
Taking the first step ...
The idea of menopause can sometimes send us into a flat spin, some mourn the idea of not being able to conceive a child again, and some fear getting older, losing youthfulness and vitality. The sense of loss can be overwhelming and I hear you. But, what if I told you that embracing this time of life is a gift to us? A perfect opportunity to reevaluate life, our health and wellness and what is important to us at this stage, our relationships, career choices and everything in between.
This is why The GODDESS Academy Community is the place to hang out with women experiencing the same stage of life, trying to find balance and live life to the full.
Start right here, sign up for the FREE Masterclass and start your journey to THRIVE in MENOPAUSE - figure out what you need to do to take control of your health and wellness and watch everything else fall into place.
The important thing is just to start.
Sign up for the Menopause Secrets Masterclass and gain valuable insight into how to Thrive at this time of life. If menopausal symptoms are getting in the way of living life to the full then join us and uncover 5 powerful strategies for optimising your nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and mindset. During the masterclass we will put together a personalised plan that will help you feel in control of your health and wellness again.
Gain access to the support needed to stay focused on your health and wellness. When things get tough we will remind you that you are tougher! Midlife isn't easy, it's also not the end. Every month brings a fresh focus that will move you forwards, taking care of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and mindset. There is strength in community and together we make sense of things.
Take part in this 7-Day Kick-Start Challenge and start to feel the benefits of focusing on yourself for 7 days. I will teach a simple strategy that can be followed no matter where you are and what you are doing. Many women say to me I can't start because I am on holiday, or I've got drinks with friends or I'm going away .. all this is OK! use the strategy I teach here and you will know how to navigate LIFE without having to start again.

This is where we talk about health and wellness and the changes needed to our nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and mindset as we navigate menopause. You will find some of my favourite recipes on this blog and as I share my journey, I hope to inspire you to take control of the controllables .. and create the life you dream about .. let's THRIVE in Menopause !!