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Rose Tinted Glasses … until the holiday snaps …

Writer: Colette PienaarColette Pienaar

Eek! It wasn’t until I saw the holiday snaps that I realised … it was there, staring back at me … couldn’t deny it … that was what I looked like … no wonder I felt rubbish!

It was time for me to get really honest and face facts … no hiding from this one …

The trigger? I’ll tell you …

I was on holiday in Antigua with friends a few years ago, we were having a blast, enjoying the warmth of the sun, the lovely food and all the cocktails on offer were just delicious.

Heaven right … Yes!

But something was missing from this ideal picture … the beautiful, confident girl that felt amazing in her bikini, the girl who was more than happy to wear no towel as she ran the gauntlet along the beach to the sea.

Then we started to share holiday snaps …

It wasn’t until I saw them that I realised, that something had to change … I was heading to middle age fast. This photo was a heart stopper for me, I was feeling relaxed and happy, we had discovered this little bar in Green Bay and had spent a couple of hours drinking pain killer cocktails, they were delicious but I was self-conscious and it is clear in this picture why. I was fat, frumpy, unhappy, much heavier than I should be and I felt rubbish!!

How could my husband find me attractive … How could my clients take me seriously …How could I take myself seriously?

You see I realised there and then that the extra 2.5 stone I was carrying was holding me back, I had no energy, my sex drive was non-existent, I was heavier on the scales than ever before, and if I was really honest, my health and fitness was spiralling out of control, the girl that had become physically and mentally old, that had aged before her time … had to go!!


So as soon as we got home, I took the first step, took a photo of myself in my underwear (yes that was hard) found a photo of myself that made me feel proud (yes I was younger, carefree and happy) and started doing loads of research into how to shift the flab in a healthy, sustainable way.

My mission, my commitment to myself (in my early 40’s) was to feel young, sexy and fun again! This was 4 years ago now and I am still in the best shape of my life, I love being fit and strong and fitting into my clothes.

So if like me you find yourself fed up feeling rubbish and want to fast track your journey to the Ultimate version of you, take heart …

My Ultimate Body Formula Program will help you take care of this…

Download my WOMAN IN MOTION cheat sheet below, just click on the link and discover the 3 things I did to achieve results like these …

There is nothing special about me if I can do this, so can you. All I had to do was find a formula that worked for me. Not starving myself, and definitely not spending hours and hours in the gym doing boring cardio … go ahead now and download the cheats sheet below.

colette results






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