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A wise old tree once said…

Writer: Colette PienaarColette Pienaar


Can you spot her face?

A very beautiful old tree rooted on the side of the black pond, in the Esher woods, gazes out at the beautiful view and watches as visitors walk along the water.

I have been walking these woods and this route for 15 years and never noticed this wise old tree until recently, 23rd of January to be exact.

I had been rushing around all day, was feeling stressed, and like I had too much to do and was never going to get to the bottom of my list. If I’m honest I had been feeling grumpy and tired and was starting to feel a bit run down, my body was telling me to rest, I had a scratchy throat, my sense of humour was depleted and all I needed was some time out, but I had a gazillion things to do …

The face on the tree stopped me in my tracks …

Not only was it the first time I had noticed her, it was as though she was telling me to slow down and allow myself some time out of my busy day to decompress and refocus … to stop and put down my roots for 5 minutes.

To stop and take in the view that day and not rush through another moment …

So I did …

I sat down on the bench just beyond the wise old tree and took in the view of the black pond, it was so tranquil and calm, the pups came and sat with me while we took 5 minutes to breathe and enjoy each others company in this beautiful magical place.

This is not about priority lists or jobs to do or rushing from pillar to post because we all have busy lives, this moment for me was about recognising when I am feeling overwhelmed and rushing to get to the next thing rather than taking stock of what I am doing in the present moment and living it.

Remembering that ALL WE HAVE IS NOW …

This is about figuring out how to prioritise yourself without compromising everything else too dramatically. To prioritise yourself with minimal impact on your other priorities. To look after you first because without you around all those other things won’t get done.

I work with busy professional women who have full-on lives, families, businesses to run and a myriad of other challenges to face every day. In fact, that’s’ pretty much my life too …

So I know how this feels, I know how tough it can be …

Just to shift your focus …

The key is recognising that you need help to refocus your attention on your health, fitness and wellness. The ladies on my Ultimate Body Formula are living and breathing the small incremental changes they are making to their everyday lives so they can accommodate time to decompress and refocus.

Allowing themselves this important time to learn the lessons needed to put down their roots and be a strong, grounded, wise tree.

So my challenge to you is to take some time today and allow your roots to sink deep into the ground, take in the view and breathe … live the moment.

If you feel you need some help to refocus, then download my cheat sheet where I share 4 things you can do today to get what you want out of your life, if you have already done so and not done anything about it yet, then fill in my form and tell me about you, the link is in the comments.

Have a great day peeps X

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