Busy ladies who know they need to change something because everything is too much at the moment …
Ever feel like you are running up an ever-growing hill of life, that seems to get steeper every second of the day?
You put on your brave face every day and take on the constant struggle to stay on top of things. Just too much on the go, too many jobs to do, too many people to keep happy, too many responsibilities you own, too many demands on your time, everything in life feels totally overwhelming, you feel constant pressure to get things done and feel like the world is squarely on your shoulders … no, let up, no break, no freewheeling down the hill because all you can see is the poxy hill … grrr …
In fact often feeling like you will NEVER make it down the hill to a more sedate pace where you come first for a change … OMG, that would feel like unicorns and rainbows …
YES, this is how we live in today’s crazy world and we do everything we can to get up that hill as quickly and efficiently as possible. We all have a hill to climb.
How many of us take the time to enjoy the view or celebrate the little achievements along the way?
How many of us have friends who seem to have it all together? No major stresses in life, they seem to walk on air and still look amazing. They are in control and while their lives may not be absolutely perfect they seem to cope. Of course, we all do. What’s their secret? It is only when we compare our selves to our friends that we feel inadequate or to the very filtered view of peoples lives on social media.
Clearly living like this with constant pressure to climb at pace and do more and take on more is admirable, it will, however, wear you down unless you take some time out to do the things you want to do with your life and start to take care of yourself too. We all know that simple things like getting enough sleep and drinking enough water will help us cope with the added stress of that massive, never-ending climb but what about carving out a pit stop every now and then to enjoy the amazing view?
Well here are three things you can do right now:
>> stop comparing yourself to others, focus on your road and get up that hill.
>> organise your life so you get to bed by 10:30 tonight! and make sure you are fully hydrated when you do – drink 2-3 litres of water today, there is time 🙂
>> sit down, open your diary and block out 1 hour for yourself this coming week. Don’t cancel or reschedule it and then do something for you that will make you feel better. Maybe go for a swim or a walk or go have your nails done. Just step away from your commitments for 1 hour this week. Once you’ve decided which day, go ahead and block out the same hour next week and the week after. Don’t book anything else into that slot it’s yours and to be protected. Leave your mobile phone switched off or better still at home, guard that time. It’s one hour, everything else can wait.
Colette X PS: Remember I am here to help you through your journey, all you need to do is reach out and say Hiii !! I’m always happy to chat – let’s figure out how I can help you.
PPS: Pop on over here and download my cheat sheet where you will find 4 things the ladies on my Ultimate Body Formula program are doing to get what they want.
