Ladies, here are the top 2 things you can do today to start to have an impact on that embarrassing midsection that affects many of us ambitious women out there right now, especially relevant to those who are about to attend a big event, like a friend’s BIG birthday party or a wedding in a few months or maybe in just a few weeks (eek!) – here’s how you can start to do something to take care of that today…
Just as the ladies have done in my Ultimate Body Formula program
1 – accept that you have to take time for you – if you don’t, you’re last on the list and you end up running out of energy and say – I’ll do it tomorrow – right? So it’s important to protect time for you so right now open up your diary and create a non-negotiable time slot for you. Set that on repeat every day at the same time.
2 – now you’ve got that time protected you’re going to use it to do one of the following things: make up your food for tomorrow so you start to make it much easier and more convenient to eat healthier foods, especially as you are in control of what you’ve created – make it taste good and you will actually look forward to eating it. Then take a 20-minute brisk walk followed by 20 squats and 10 pushups – done!
Do this and you can celebrate knowing that you are one of the small % of ladies who will actually do this alone without support and I will be giving you a massive well done!
Get my 3 Secrets To Never Feeling Guilty About What You’ve Eaten Ever Again download or learn more about the Ultimate Body Formula program via the link below.
Go take a look.
