Want to make a big change in your life, but keep putting it off?
Maybe you want to transition into a new career …
Or to start looking after yourself better …
Or maybe you’re waiting on making a decision because it could have a long-term impact on another area of your life.
My advice?
There’s never going to be a “right time” to take the leap.
In fact, that time will never come.
And in the rare case it does, chances are good you still won’t feel ready.
So if there’s something you’ve been thinking about doing … something you’ve been procrastinating about … do it now.
Don’t wait. Life is short. This moment is your life … do it now!
None of us knows what’s going to happen in the future or what you will need to do to reach your goal.
We can only see the first step in front of us. Once we take that step, the next step reveals itself.
This is how our lives transition and transform in front of our eyes.
So rather than putting off doing that thing you want to do, be brave and take the step.
It WILL be scary.
Stepping into the unknown is daunting.
YES! You’re getting out of your comfort zone.
Feeling uncertain is perfectly normal and to be expected, this feeling is something you will need to learn to live with until you get used to your new, expanded reality.
So accepting this is going to be the case, you may as well act now, and then let the next step reveal itself when it’s time.
This is how we continually grow and move to the next level of life. The beauty of continuous motion, growth and evolution.
And the beautiful thing is, it never ends, there is always the next level.
Now … If you want to take the next step and discover how you can create massive positive change in your life.
And want to find out how the ladies on my Ultimate Body Formula Program do this every day and love the feeling …
Download my WOMAN IN MOTION Cheat Sheet.
See you inside.
OR GO TO www.colettepienaar.com to find out more.
