Hiya …
Here Rod and I are at lunch together, I was looking at this photo today and it occurred to me how much better I feel about myself now than I did 3 years ago …
Dropping all that excess weight and embracing the changes I was making to my body wasn’t just about being happier in myself or about proving I could do something remarkable, or having boundless energy and being able to do the simple things in life, liked fit into my clothes, it was about everything else that was affected by it, most importantly my relationships …
Rewind with me for a moment …
When I was at my heaviest there is no doubt I was at my unhappiest too, I felt lost, frustrated and totally trapped in my current body, attitude and outlook. I also felt incredibly lonely, isolated and like I couldn’t talk to anyone about how I was feeling, they just wouldn’t get it. The girl with everything … unhappy? Seriously? Get a grip, there are worse things happening in the world … this was how it would go down in my head all the time … see what I mean?
Let’s fast forward now …
Now that my confidence has grown, I am more fulfilled and focused than ever, I have loads of energy and have some amazing friends, who surprise surprise, totally get where I was and how far I’ve come and are supportive and actually encouraged me along the way …
The moral of the story is to realise that the happier you are in yourself, the more confident, positive and determined, the more you attract people with a magical quality that is difficult to put your finger on …
But those closest to you, your husband, your family, your best friends, your colleagues
… they all see it …
Your outside matches your inside and your relationships get better. You become better connected with yourself and therefore with others and you become a massive source of inspiration and hope to those around you, it’s a very special place and something to embrace when you go through a similar journey. A positive action like this becomes contagious and the knock on is immeasurable …
Are you at that place now? Where, you know your relationships are suffering because you are unhappy and taking it out on those around you?
You lack confidence … don’t feel like you can talk about it …
Then trust me and find out more about what I did to shift it … because you can do the same …
Click the button about and download my “Never Feel Guilty About Eating Fun Food Again” cheat sheet, have a read and connect with me…
Let’s figure out how to get you on track so that you get closer to actually living the life that you know you want…
Colette X