To my female entrepreneurial friends… sound familiar?
That’s quite a thought-provoking statement … is it true?
Question is what are you saying tomorrow to?
Investing in yourself Taking time out Changing your biz Losing weight Going on holiday Selling your house Buying a new car Starting a family
Why do we procrastinate about certain things in life, the things that seem like massive decisions to make, things that need thought or planning, let’s face it there are some days when deciding what to wear is a massive decision not to mention what to eat for lunch …
So what is it about human nature that means we sometimes struggle to make decisions, paralysed, unable to think or be logical …
Fear of the unknown … Fear of failure … Fear of disappointment … Seeing resources as scarce … Worrying about what others think …
YES, I think it boils down to fear …
Get a Grip is what I tell myself when I’m being indecisive about something, then I remind myself that in everything we do, we learn and that’s a positive outcome!
So to fear making the wrong decision is pointless because it leads to making none, which results in saying TOMORROW and you end up staying exactly where you are for another day, month, year, decade … still refusing to invest in yourself, to take time out, not making necessary changes to your biz. Still fat, not going on holiday or selling your house, still refusing to buy a new car … the list goes on and on, this is why being fearful is a total waste of your focus and energy.
I was listening to a coach speak this weekend talking about his story and what brought him to where he is today and he said something that really resonated with me.
We all make decisions about things every day right?
Some are good, some aren’t so good
When was the last time you made a real investment in yourself? He talked about investment NOT cost …
Viewing the time we spend doing things, where we pay most attention as an investment and not a cost. He went on to say that if we view the decisions we need to make today as an investment and not cost then all we need to do is distinguish between a good and bad investment …
Good advice? Yes, I think so …
Think about this …
What is the difference between the way a 5-year-old views the world and the way we do? Why are they able to be inquisitive and excited about everything? Willing to learn and try doing things they’ve never done?
The answer is …
A whole lot of years … no past, nothing to worry about, a zest for life because all they have is the future ahead …
The truth is, so do we …
So to view things through the eyes of a 5-year-old … and to get excited about what the day holds and to make decisions about things with investment rather than cost in mind sounds like a great start.
I realised while writing this that the ladies on my Ultimate Body Formula Program have gone through a similar process and come out the other side.
They are investing in themselves as we speak and taking the time to try new things that will fundamentally change their view of the world and how they see themselves in it.
This is a process that brings clarity, confidence and a fresh perspective on life where they prioritise the important stuff and say yes let’s do that TODAY!
Now that is exciting stuff!!
To find out a bit more about the program and how to apply to participate, download my cheat sheet and get in touch … the link is below …
Find clarity, confidence and a fresh perspective on life prioritise the important stuff and say yes let’s do that TODAY!
