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Mini Banoffee Pie

Earlier this week I was lucky enough to sample some delicious Fruit and Nut Cookies from  Pure and Simple Bakes. First off let me tell you they are delicious on their own!! I decided however that I needed a little munchie buster that wasn’t going to affect my clean eating plan so I set about creating one of my favourite desserts in miniature …

Banoffee Pie!

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You will need:

12 Fresh Medjool dates 8 Fruit and Nut cookies, see recipe below Coconut Milk 1 medium Banana, sliced

For the ‘Caramel’, remove the stones from your dates and then pop them into your food processor and add a splash of coconut milk.

Blitz until the mixture resembles caramel. Keep adding coconut milk until you are there. The mixture will be a smooth and beautiful caramel colour.

Place the cookies onto a plate, slice the banana and lay the slices onto the top.

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Add a dollop of caramel to each cookie and pop another slice of banana on the top, finish with a sprinkle of raw cacao or cinnamon if you like.

Let me know what you think…

fruit and nut cookies - nancy

125g Almonds 75g Brazil nuts 40g Dried coconut flakes 85g Dried Prunes (or dates) 45g Dried apricots 20g Pumpkin seeds 15g Sunflower seeds zest of 1/2 Lemon 1 tbsp freshly pressed Apple juice (or prune juice)

Preheat the oven to 150 C and line a baking tray with baking parchment.

Place everything in a food processor and pulse until the nuts and fruit are finely chopped and the mixture starts to come together. Add a little more juice if you find it’s too dry. You can either make small balls of the mixture and then flatten them on to a baking tray, or if you want pretty little shapes like my flower-shaped biccies then line a baking tray with baking parchment and tip the mixture into it. Flatten the mixture down. I found the easiest way was to use a piece of baking parchment and then apply pressure with a palette knife or my hands. You want it to be about 5mm thick and well compressed. Use a biscuit cutter to cut out shapes and carefully transfer to another lined baking tray.

Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, or until firm, then cool on a wire rack. They will be a little pliable when removed, but as they cool they will harden.


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