When I saw these little guys I couldn’t resist buying them, I decided to have a go at stuffed mini pumpkins.

You will need:
Mini baby pumpkins, I had 6
2 tsp Chilli powder, you can use fresh if you prefer, add to taste
400g Cooked Quinoa, Puy lentils and Red kidney beans
2 tsp ground Cumin
Himalayan Rock salt to taste
So I started off oven roasting the pumpkins at 180C for around 40 minutes, all ovens vary so keep an eye on them.

Once they were cooked I let them cool and then started to play.
You do need to be patient and quite careful because they can be a little delicate.

I used a sharp knife and cut around the top of each one, then scooped out the flesh, removing the pips as I went.
This was time-consuming so really not something to do when you have time pressure, I would do this the night before for a dinner party.
I then took the pumpkin and stirred in 2 tsp of chilli powder, and added approx 400g of mixed quinoa, puy lentils and kidney beans.
I then added this mixture back to each pumpkin until it looked full enough.
The next thing to do is to gently place the lid on the top and you are good to go!
