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Tofu Cheese

When I decided to change my diet from vegetarian to vegan, the one thing I missed was cheese. Not that I ate it every day but there are certain meals that call for a cheesy flavour. So I tried mixing tofu with nutritional yeast and guess what …

A spreadable, easy, dairy-free cheese was made!

For this recipe you will need:

300g Silken Tofu

6 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast (you can find this in most good supermarkets or health food shops)

Salt, pepper & chilli powder to taste

I use my hand blender to mix the ingredients together until they form a smooth spread & season to taste.

This weekend we ate bean burgers with cheesy peasy spread & pickles, was delish! It is also good on roasted sweet potatoes or watered down makes a lovely salad dressing & you get to boost your protein intake #happydays


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