This is the simplest and most delicious recipe for a loaf of home-made bread I know. It works every time 🙂 Please do give it a go and let me know how you get on.

7 cups Flour, you can use Kamut, rye, spelt or stone ground whole wheat if you are ok with gluten or a combination eg: rye & Kamut 10 g (1 pk) Instant dry yeast 2 tsp Himalayan Rock Salt 2 tsp Honey / Agave 3-4 cups warm Water
Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Dissolve the honey in a cup of filtered water and add it to the dry ingredients.
Keep adding the rest of the water until you have a sticky dough.
Divide the mixture equally into either 1 large greased bread tin, cover with a cloth and allow to rise in a warm place for 20 minutes.
Bake at 200 C for 1 hour.
PS: chopped olives, grated courgette, fresh herbs etc can be added to the mixture.