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Pumpkin and Cauliflower Mash

I really wanted to call this weekend smoosh… yes I admit, it’s a strange title but really appropriate in this case.

2013-01-13 21.30.24

This is a combination of three of my favourite veggies!

Spinach, Cauliflower and Pumpkin.

I started off roasting some mini pumpkins, for the stuffed mini pumpkin recipe, added about 1 cup of quinoa, red kidney beans and lentils mixed. Some serious comfort food 🙂

I cooked a whole cauliflower in coconut milk and when it was soft mashed it to form cauliflower mash.

Took some fresh baby spinach, popped it onto a plate, spooned on the cauliflower mash and topped it with the pumpkin mix and it was divine!

I then added a dollop of hummus for an extra treat.

This I will definitely be doing again!


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